James assigned groups in class. In our group we were to design several different sketchs/ layouts for pringles ads. After we designed our layouts we switched with another group and shot their designs. Each member of the group got two shots to shoot. this is what I ended up with (with much help from Doug and Elisa!)
I used my 20d. Broncolor pack and 3 strobes. My settings were ISO 100 1/125 at f/22
The pringle cans look great. I could see these photos in a magazine ad.Great Job.
I love the colors between the cans and the reflections. good job!
You did a very good job! These photographs are ready for an advertising campaign.
I love this shot of the pringles. The colors were very well done along with the reflection in the glass...Good Job.
You make these Pringles lokk like a hundred bucks! Very clean, and great color>
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