group shot for james.
Business Magazine.
business portrait
Natty Greene's

I've been working with Kevan and Doug on our group project. These are three shots I did at Natty Greene's in Greensboro. I used window light and reflectors and my 20 d.

"If my muscles hurt, it just means I've used them. If it hurts to walk up the stairs, it's just cause I've done it a hundred times to lay down next to a man who loved me. My face may have wrinkles, but I have laid under hundreds of skies on sunny days. I look like this, well, because I drank and I smoked and I lived and I loved and I screwed my way through a pretty damn good life. Getting old isn't bad. It's earned. "
as part of the assignment, we had to shoot on 4x5 trans. film. I used a Calumet large format camera and two broncolor strobes to light it. For this particular shot I used my 20d settings were ISO 100, f/11 at 1/125.
stew's art.

James assigned groups in class. In our group we were to design several different sketchs/ layouts for pringles ads. After we designed our layouts we switched with another group and shot their designs. Each member of the group got two shots to shoot. this is what I ended up with (with much help from Doug and Elisa!)
I used my 20d. Broncolor pack and 3 strobes. My settings were ISO 100 1/125 at f/22
Jack and Ellie

Throughout my Internship, I didn't get to photograph anything personally. An ocasionally "rachel, press the shutter" occured but I never got to shoot anything on my own. Over the weekends, though, I would randomly shoot whatever crossed my path. One weekend, I went and watched my niece and nephew for a few hours and instead of watching Jimmy Neutron with them (hints, to why they look stunned), I picked up my camera and shot a few photos.
I used the avaible light coming through the window. I shot with my 20d, settings were ISO 100, focal length at 49mm, 1/13 @ f/5.6

1. A sweet served as the last course of a meal.
As a kid, double popsicles always followed family dinners. When Chuck gave us the "dessert" assignment I knew what I wanted to shoot. I came out with this...
I used my 20d to shoot, A ferrel light, two strobes and a speedotron power pack. My settings were ISO 200. Focal length 40mm. 1/250 @ f/16.
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