I shot this with my Canon 20D and my lensbaby. My settings were f/22 @ 1/15. Iso 100.
"...He goes home everyday and sits alone at his tiny desk in his silent apartment. He bangs on the keys of a lifeless type writer about some sort of nonsense concerning the romeo and juliet of our time. He rips the photograph out from in between the wheels that hold the paper in place as his voice to the world is rapidly being compressed on a piece of art that few will see and the ones who do wont take the time to question. Smeared ink and other unmentionables are dried and have risen off the surface of the photograph. As I hold it in my hand, I try to make out what he is tring to release from his complicated thoughts, only to find that that day he was pissed...I've entered a war zone. But the fight is only against himself and the feelings he has for his unspeakable love..."
okay...the shot on this image is great and i like the fact that you used a different lens instead of just a typical 50mm. The lens baby is amazing and your selective focus is great. good job
I really like this shot Rachel, and the lens baby really adds also. The passage also goes great with the shot.
very well composed, nice focus effect. well done!
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