©2006Rachel Cummings
James gave the commercial class an assignment last week to go out and create something neat and unusal/different. We were to take a random, but common house-hold appliance and shoot it but do something unique to make that product "not so boring". I decided to shoot coat hangers. I checked out a speedotron from glenda, and from then on I didn't know what to do. I attached my lens baby to my canon 20 D and began shooting....tthis is what came out. The only thing I did with post-processing was that I darkend the image slightly in photoshop. I have no idea how the neon colors came about...but I thought it looked pretty neat. My settings were 1/400 at f/4. ISO was 100.
Nice shot... I really like the contrast of the hangers against the dark background. Interesting composition and good job with making something average really different!
nice. kinda creepy. spooky hangers. accompished your assignment.
Rachel These are beautiful i love the creepyness like Duane said. I wonder how/why this neon happened? I personally think the lens babies are kind of gimicy but they really worked in this situation.Nive jobs on taking sometinh everyday and making it look different
great job on this shot, i love how the hangers look neon. This is amazing and i like how you used a lens baby on this shot. The lens baby makes it look a lot more interesting. :)
I like the blurring and streaking, it gives the hangers their own alien personality. The saturated blue is a very good choice.
I like the way you made a common ordinary object look anything but common and ordinary. I also like the effect you created with the lighting. The white hangers against the deep blue look like they are glowing.
Very cool. Way to make coat hangers look interesting. I like that you used a lens baby & I really like the color & contrast, as well.
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